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Beyond Group Classes

Learn YOUR Machine

If you've recently purchased or inherited a new-to-you machine, I will help you become familiar with its use and ability. This is a one-time, private session. For 1 or 2 participants for a single machine. We will work until you are comfortable with the controls of your machine, up to 2 hours. 


If you have purchased a newer computerized machine from a dealer, please take advantage of their instruction. Every brand and machine has different programming, and they will be much more able than I to help you learn the intricacies of its programing. 


Most Sunday afternoons, 3-5pm. Time slots that are not filled by the preceding Thursday at midnight may be removed from availability. 


Schedule your attendance on the Classes page, under the Private Sessions tab. 

Open Studio

Having difficulty with a project? Your machine is in the shop and you don't have a back-up? You missed a class? Come join me in my studio for an hour or two. Use one of my machines or bring your own. I will be available for assistance as needed.


This is not intended to be a one-on-one tutoring session. You must have prior sewing experience and be able to work independently. You can use my equipment and I will help you over a tough spot. 


There is a discount for repeat visitors. You will be given a punch card on your first visit. (Make-up classes are not counted toward the discount.)


If you are attending in order to make up for a missed class, the online payment system requires payment at time of booking. The $1 fee charged will be refunded in cash when you attend the session. 


Open Studios are scheduled for every Saturday, 9-11am, when I am not committed elsewhere. If there are no participants as of midnight on the preceding Wednesday, that session will be cancelled. Future dates are subject to change according to my needs.


 Schedule your attendance on the Classes page, under the Single Classes tab. 




I  host our local chapter of the Christian Motorcyclists Association as they create small quilts for children in crisis. You are welcome to join us during the winter months to assist with this effort.


People of any skill level are welcome to join us. We work in an assembly line fashion, and not all steps require sewing skills.


Come for any portion of the day.

Second Saturdays



Brown bag lunch or contribute to our potluck lunch. 


Schedule your attendance on the Classes page, under the Single Classes tab. 

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